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One of the most difficult things a women can go through in her life is the physical and emotional changes that may occur as a result of breast cancer.

“Rebuilding Your Breasts”

Dr. Leipziger understands the significance of breast reconstructive surgery, and strives to provide each of his patients with balanced, well-planned results that look as natural as possible. His goal is to help each individual patient feel whole again, allowing restoration of self-identity and self-esteem.

What is Breast Reconstruction?

Breast reconstruction is an extremely rewarding and empowering procedure that is designed to restore and return the natural appearance of a woman’s breast or breasts following breast cancer surgery.

There are several different types of breast reconstruction available to allow each woman an opportunity to achieve her own personalized results based on her unique circumstances and challenges. It is important for women to know about their options for restoring their breasts and taking back their body-identity with life-changing breast reconstruction surgery.

You can rely on Dr. Leipziger to outline and explain the different surgery techniques during your consultation. He will work closely with your breast surgeon to develop a seamless treatment plan along with your mastectomy or lumpectomy.

Dr. Leipziger is an expert in the latest implant-based breast reconstruction methods. He also excels in oncoplastic procedures that reshape the breast after lumpectomy or partial mastectomy. These may be performed in combination with a breast lift, reduction, or even augmentation. In addition, Dr. Leipziger is a specialist in revision of breast reconstruction. Dr. Leipziger takes the time to fully personalize each procedure based on the unique situation, concerns, and goals of each individual woman.

Some patients maybe better candidates for natural tissue breast reconstruction than they are for implant-based breast reconstructive surgery. In those cases, Dr. Leipziger will refer you to one or more of his colleagues who specialize in tissue-based techniques.

The decision to have breast reconstruction is very personal and may not be right for every woman. Many women feel that restoring their breast helps them feel more like themselves, lessening the physical, psychological and emotional impact of a mastectomy or lumpectomy. While some other women may choose not to reconstruct their breasts, choosing to “go flat“ instead. In either case, it is important for each individual woman to be comfortable with her personal decision regarding reconstructive breast surgery.

Dr. Leipziger will work closely with you as well as your breast cancer team to determine the best approach for your reconstruction. It is common for you to have many questions to ask and decisions to make during this time. Dr. Leipziger will meet with you as often as necessary to answer your questions and make sure you are completely comfortable with your decisions and treatment plan.

Dr. Leipziger meeting with a patient for breast enhancement

See Patient Before & Afters

Dr. Leipziger greatly values the privacy of his patients. He would love to share his breast reconstruction patient before and after gallery with you during a private consultation. Please give our office a call to schedule your visit with Dr. Leipziger today.

If you have undergone or are planning to undergo breast cancer surgery and want to know more about your options for breast cancer reconstruction, Dr. Leipziger is here to answer any questions or concerns you may have during a private, one-on-one consultation.

Long Island

900 Northern Boulevard, Suite 130
Great Neck, New York 11021



630 Park Ave New York,
New York 10065


Your Breast Reconstruction Implant Options

Dr. Leipziger takes ample time to create reconstruction treatment plans personalized to each individual patient which are designed to restore your breasts, personal identity and self-confidence.

Dr. Leipziger is highly skilled and experienced in performing a variety of different implant-based breast reconstruction techniques. The right option for you will depend on your specific anatomy, body habitus, condition of your existing breast skin and tissue, as well as your preferred outcome. The following are implant based breast reconstructive procedures performed by Dr. Leipziger.

Tissue Expander / Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction:

This is a very common type of two-stage breast reconstruction. At the time of mastectomy, a temporary tissue expander (saline filled device) is placed under the skin, either above or below the chest muscle. Acellular dermal matrix (ADM) may be utilized to help position and secure the tissue expander in the correct position.  A certain amount of saline is placed into the expander at the time of surgery.  The amount of fluid placed will be dependent on the tension of the skin and skin blood supply.  Subsequent inflations over the next two to three months may be performed simply in the office to further stretch the skin or underlying muscle. Once the desired size is achieved, an outpatient surgery will be performed to remove the tissue expander and place the final breast implant (saline or silicone). The two-stage procedure allows adjustments to be made to the implant pocket to optimize the reconstruction and create the best results. Additional enhancement procedures such as fat grafting may be recommended to optimize the best aesthetic outcome.

Direct to Implant Breast Reconstruction:

Depending on your specific circumstances, your reconstruction may be performed as a single procedure, at the time of your mastectomy.  The direct to implant reconstruction, (DTI) requires you have enough healthy skin at the breast site to contain the volume of the new breast implant. A benefit of DTI is no need for a tissue expander. Instead, a sling made from acellular dermal matrix (ADM) is used to hold the implant in place.  With DTI reconstruction, the volume and shape of your breast may be restored immediately. In many cases fat grafting may be recommended to further optimize the aesthetic outcome.

Fat Grafting in Breast Reconstruction:

Dr. Leipziger believes that fat grafting has truly revolutionized breast reconstruction.  The use of fat grafting may yield a more aesthetic breast reconstruction with a softer and more natural look and feel. The fat used is harvested via liposuction from another part of the body, usually the hips or abdomen. Harvested fat is then carefully injected beneath the skin of the reconstructed breast to replenish fullness resulting in a smooth contour and more natural appearance.  Fat grafting may also be used in revisional procedures and radiated tissue to refine contours and improve breast reconstruction results.

Pre-Pectoral Breast Reconstruction:

Pre-pectoral breast reconstruction has become a popularized method of implant-based reconstruction.  This procedure places the tissue expander and/or implant above the pectoral muscle and utilizes acellular dermal matrix (ADM) to secure the implant in place.   This technique avoids cutting the pectoral muscle, thereby reducing post-operative discomfort, and eliminates dynamic chest muscle motion deformity (often associated with submuscular implant placement.)  Pre-pectoral breast reconstruction is therefore more comfortable because there is little to no chest tightness because the pectoral muscle is not being stretched.  Pre-pectoral reconstruction usually requires appropriate skin thickness at the time of mastectomy.  Fat grafting procedures are typically indicated for pre-pectoral breast reconstruction to smooth upper chest contour.

Nipple/Areola Reconstruction:

In recent years nipple-sparing mastectomies have gained in popularity whenever they can be performed, and as a result there is no need to reconstruct the nipple. However, in some cases it is not possible, and nipple and areola reconstruction are the best alternative. This procedure is designed to recreate the nipple and areola (the colored area of skin around the nipple) as the finishing touch for your breast reconstruction. This procedure generally happens 3-4 months after placement of your permanent implant.

Your breast reconstruction with Dr. Leipziger will be fully customized to you and your specific needs and concerns. We understand the life-changing impact that breast cancer can have on a person’s life, and we are passionate about providing women with the reconstruction expertise needed to move past the breast cancer surgery and feel whole again.

3 Things to Know Before Your Breast Reconstruction with Dr. Leipziger

1) Your breast reconstruction may be partially or covered in full by insurance.

2) Be ready to take one to two weeks off work for recovery. It is important to give yourself enough time to rest and heal from surgery to avoid any unnecessary complications.

3) While an overnight stay at the hospital is not generally necessary, there may be occasions where an overnight stay is necessary. Your breast reconstruction will be performed under general anesthesia, so it is important you have someone ready to drive you home once your procedure is complete.

3 Things to Know About Breast Reconstruction Recovery

1) Once your breast reconstruction surgery is complete, Dr. Leipziger will place bandages and a surgical bra over your breasts to assist with proper healing. He will provide you with detailed care instructions, including how long you will need to wear your surgical bra.

2) You will need to avoid lifting and other exercise or activities that require excessive movement, stretching, or bending. Dr. Leipziger will review pertinent post-operative instructions to insure your best outcome.

3) Most importantly, don’t hesitate to give our office a call should you have any questions during your recovery period. Dr. Leipziger will provide you with detailed instructions for your breast reduction aftercare and will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your healing and ensure your best possible outcome.

Why Choose Dr. Leipziger for Your Breast Reconstruction

Dr. Leipziger has more than 25 years of experience providing patients with beautifully natural outcomes. He is a national award-winning plastic surgeon and recognized in many national publications including New York Magazine’s Best Doctors with a reputation for excellence and artistry in each procedure he performs.

Your breast reconstruction surgery with Dr. Leipziger will be completely personalized and sensitive to your needs, desires and health concerns. The goal is always to restore a natural appearance for you following breast cancer surgery.

If you are wanting to discuss your own breast reconstruction surgery, or simply are curious to learn more, please call our Great Neck office at 516-465-8787 or, our Manhattan office at 212-249- 4500. Dr. Lyle Leipziger is a board-certified plastic surgeon proudly providing upscale plastic surgery experiences to women and men in the Great Neck and Manhattan areas of New York.

Dr. Leipziger, Plastic Surgeon, at his Manhattan office

“I never leave the operating room until I am 100% satisfied.”  – Dr. Leipziger

Ultra-luxurious experience.
For the most discerning patients.

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Long Island

900 Northern Boulevard, Suite 130
Great Neck, New York 11021



630 Park Ave New York,
New York 10065
